Functional Programming (326.054, 326.087)


Introduction to functional programming; theoretical foundations; lambda-calculus; type systems; practical programming in OCaml; reasoning about functional programs.


Summer Semester 2022.

Number:326.054, 326.087
Title:Functional Programming
Lecturer:Temur Kutsia
Time:Wednesday, 16:15–18:00
Room:Depending on the pandemic situation:
If in presence, S2 046.
If online, using Zoom. The link will be accessible from Moodle.
First meeting:March 9
Registration:Via the KUSSS system.
Grading:Based on the assignments and in-class tests/quizzes.

This course is listed in the KUSSS under two names:

Assignments and Tests
Grading by assignments and in-class tests. Assignments will appear in the course Moodle page and are for individual work.
Course Materials
Please visit the course Moodle page.