18 SparseIndexedPowerProduct

This file contains an implementation polynomials in the variables x1,x2, over the rational numbers. Such polynomials are well suited as cycle index polynomials (cf. [BLL98, Appendix 1]).

The tests can be found in test/poly/idxpp.as.nw.

505* 13+   462  525
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke <ralf@hemmecke.de>
---- svn co svn://svn.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/hemmecke/combinat/

#include "combinat"
dom: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506

Type Constructor



Implements power products in arbitrarily many variables.

Let V be an (ordered) set of variables. Variables can be thought of being x1,x2,, but SparseIndexedPowerProduct does not provide a way to define the symbol that is used for the variables and E be the (additive) monoid of possible exponents. Then SparseIndexedPowerProduct implements the monoid

{      |                               }
  ∏n  e||
     vii||n ∈ ℕ,v1,...,vn ∈ V,e1,...,en ∈ E  .

The exports of SparseIndexedPowerProduct are the multiplicative counterparts of the ones from IndexedFreeAdditiveCombinationType.


Different variables pairwise commute, i. e., if v1,v2 V with v1⁄=v2 then v1e1v2e2 = v2e2v1e1. However, depending on whether the + operation in E is commutative or not it could well be that

ve1ve2 = ve1+e2 ⁄= ve2+e1 = ve2ve1.
Of course, it is also allowed, that ve1ve2 = 1, if e1 + e2 = 0 in E.
506dom: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 506  (505)
    V: TotallyOrderedType, -- VariableType
    E: TotallyOrderedType with {
            zero?: % -> Boolean;
            +: (%, %) -> %;
): with {
        exports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a
} == add {
        macro {
                X == rep x;
                Y == rep y;
        Rep == SparseAdditiveArray(E, V);
        import from Rep, E, V;
        implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b

SparseIndexedPowerProduct, used in chunks 55, 103a, 307, 526, 562, 564, 566, 567, 626, 665, 707, 710–17, 719, 721, 723, 725–27, 744–47, 749, 751c, and 753.

Uses SparseAdditiveArray 489 and TotallyOrderedType 571.

Exports of SparseIndexedPowerProduct


1: % Returns the multiplicative identity.

one?: % -> Boolean Returns true if the power products contains no variable.

*: (%, %) -> % Multiplies two power products.

power: (V, E) -> % Returns a power of a certain variable.

generator: % -> Generator Cross(E, V) Generates exponent-variable pairs starting with the biggest variable.

map: (Cross(E, V) -> Cross(E, V)) -> % -> % Applies a function to all (exponent, variable) pairs.

if E has with {-: (%, %) -> %; -: % -> %} then {

/: (%, %) -> % Divides two power products.


if E has with {0: %} then {

apply: (%, V) -> E Extracts the exponent corresponding to some variable.


if E has with {0: %; next: % -> %} then {

divisors: % -> Generator % Generates all divisors.


if V has with {weight: % -> E} and E has with {0: %; *: (%, %) -> %} then {

weight: % -> E Computed the weight of a power product.


if V has OutputType and E has OutputType then OutputType;

Note that we have chosen MachineInteger as the type for the variable index as well as for the exponents. The reason is that we will store a a sum of cycle index polynomials at entry w of a formal power series where w is given by the weight of the cycle index polynomial. Since FormalPowerSeries can realistically store not more then max@MachineInteger=2147483647 values (2 109), the above choice for SparseIndexedPowerProduct is sufficient.
509aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a  (506)  511a

Uses TotallyOrderedType 571.
509bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b  (506)  509c
(x: %) = (y: %): Boolean == X = Y;
509cimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  509b  510
(x: %) < (y: %): Boolean == X < Y;
510implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  509c  511b
compare(x: %, y: %): MachineInteger == compare(X, Y);

Uses MachineInteger 67.

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

1: %


Returns the multiplicative identity.

511aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  509a  512a
1: %;
511bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  510  512b
1: % == per 0;

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

one?: % -> Boolean


Returns true if the power products contains no variable.

512aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  511a  513a
one?: % -> Boolean;
512bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  511b  513b
one?(x: %): Boolean == zero? X;

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

*: (%, %) -> %


Multiplies two power products.

513aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  512a  514a
*: (%, %) -> %;
513bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  512b  514b
(x: %) * (y: %): % == per(X + Y);

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

power: (V, E) -> %


Returns a power of a certain variable.

The function call power(v,e) returns ve.


The function returns 1 if the given exponent e is zero.

514aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  513a  515a
power: (V, E) -> %;
514bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  513b  515b
power(v: V, e: E): % == if zero? e then 1 else per [e, v];

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

generator: % -> Generator Cross(E, V)


Generates exponent-variable pairs starting with the biggest variable.


The call generator(1) returns a generator that generates no element.

515aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  514a  516a
generator: % -> Generator Cross(E, V);

Uses Generator 617.
515bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  514b  516b
generator(x: %): Generator Cross(E, V) == generator rep x;

Uses Generator 617.

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

map: (Cross(E, V) -> Cross(E, V)) -> % -> %


Applies a function to all (exponent, variable) pairs.


This function assumes that the given function that is applied to coefficient and index does not destroy the order, i. e., we assume that in map(f,x) the function f : E × V E × V is monotone in its second argurment; if (e1,v1) = f(e1,v1) and (e2,v2) = f(e2,v2) and v1 < v2 then v1< v2.

516aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  515a  516c
map: (Cross(E, V) -> Cross(E, V)) -> % -> %;
516bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  515b  517b
map(f: Cross(E,V) -> Cross(E,V))(x: %): % == per map(f) rep x;
516cexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  516a  518b
if E has with {-: (%, %) -> %; -: % -> %} then {
        exports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divide 517a

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

/: (%, %) -> %


Divides two power products.


Note that division is always possible, i. e., the result can contain negative exponents.

517aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divide 517a  (516c)
/: (%, %) -> %;
517bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  516b  519b
if E has with {-: (%, %) -> %; -: % -> %} then {
        implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divide 517c
517cimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divide 517c  (517b)
(x: %) / (y: %): % == per(X - Y);

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

apply: (%, V) -> E


macro Z == Integer;
macro T == SparseIndexedPowerProduct(Z, Z);
t: T := power(2, 1) * power(3, 2) * power(5, 1); -- 2*9*5=90
e2: Z := t.2;
e3: Z := t.3;
e4: Z := t.4;


Extracts the exponent corresponding to some variable.

A power product can be seen as a function (with finite support) f : V E. apply(f,v) or f.v simply returns f(v) for some variable v V .


If v is not in the power product f, i. e., v⁄=suppf, then f(v) = 0.

518aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct apply 518a  (518b)
apply: (%, V) -> E;
518bexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  516c  520b
if E has with {0: %} then {
        exports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct apply 518a
519aimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct apply 519a  (519b)
apply(x: %, v: V): E == apply(X, v);
519bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  517b  521b
if E has with {0: %} then {
        implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct apply 519a

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

divisors: % -> Generator %


macro Z == Integer;
macro T == SparseIndexedPowerProduct(Z, Z);
t: T := power(2, 1) * power(3, 2) * power(5, 1); -- 2*9*5=90
for d in divisors t repeat {
  for ep in d repeat {
    (e, p) := ep;
    stdout << "(" << p << "^" e ")";
  stdout << newline;


Generates all divisors.

The function divisors returns all divisors of the given element. If p = i=1nviei with vi V , ei E then a divisor of p is an element q = i=1nviai such that 0 ai ei. The function divisors returns all such q.

520aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divisors 520a  (520b)
divisors: % -> Generator %;

Uses Generator 617.
520bexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  518b  521c
if E has with {0: %; next: % -> %} then {
        exports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divisors 520a
521aimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divisors 521a  (521b)
divisors(x: %): Generator % == generate {
        one? x => yield x;
        ev := leadingMonomial X;
        (e, v) := ev;
        for d in divisors per reductum X repeat {
                i: E := 0;
                while i <= e repeat {
                        yield power(v, i) * d;
                        i := next i;

Uses Generator 617.
521bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  519b  522b
if E has with {0: %; next: % -> %} then {
        implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct divisors 521a
521cexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  520b  523a
if V has with {weight: % -> E} and E has with {0: %; *: (%, %) -> %} then {
        exports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct weight 522a

Export of SparseIndexedPowerProduct

weight: % -> E


Computed the weight of a power product.

We assume that the weight of a variable xj is wj = weight(xj). Then the weight of a monomial j=1nxjaj is given by

522aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct weight 522a  (521c)
weight: % -> E;
522bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  521b  523b
if V has with {weight: % -> E} and E has with {0: %; *: (%, %) -> %} then {
        implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct weight 522c
522cimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct weight 522c  (522b)
weight(x: %): E == {
        z: E := 0;
        for ev in X repeat {
                (e, v) := ev;
                z := z + weight(v) * e;
523aexports: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509a+   (506)  521c
if V has OutputType and E has OutputType then OutputType;

Uses OutputType 570.
523bimplementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct 509b+   (506)  522b
if V has OutputType and E has OutputType then {
        implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct output 524

Uses OutputType 570.
524implementation: SparseIndexedPowerProduct output 524  (523b)
#if Axiom
local term(e: E, v: V): OutputForm == {
        if E has with { OutputType; one?: % -> Boolean }
        then {
                if one? e
                then tw := v::OutputForm
                else tw := v::OutputForm ** e::OutputForm;
        else tw := v::OutputForm * e::OutputForm;
coerce(x: %): OutputForm == {
        import from V, E, String, OutputForm;
        one? x => message "1";
        y: Rep := rep x;
        (e, v) := leadingMonomial y;
        y := reductum y;
        tw := term(e, v);
        while not zero? y repeat {
                (e, v) := leadingMonomial y;
                tw := tw * term(e, v);
                y := reductum y;
(tw: TextWriter) << (x: %): TextWriter == {
        import from V, E, String;
        one? x => tw << "1";
        y: Rep := rep x;
        (e, v) := leadingMonomial y;
        y := reductum y;
        tw := tw << v << "^" << e;
        while not zero? y repeat {
                (e, v) := leadingMonomial y;
                tw := tw << "*" << v << "^" << e;
                y := reductum y;

Uses OutputType 570 and String 65.