author = {B. Buchberger},
title = {{Mathematik an Fachhochschulen: Fachliche und didaktische Ueberlegungen (Mathematics at Polytechnical Universities - Considerations on Contents and Didactics)}},
language = {german},
year = {2003},
month = {September 22-26},
annote = {2003-09-22-B},
note = {Invited talk at 8th Meeting of the OMG (Austrian Mathematical Society), Bozen, Italy, Special Workshop on "Mathematik an Fachhochschulen", (Proceedings pp. 68-70)},
conferencename = {8th Meeting of the OMG (Austrian Mathematical Society), Bozen, Italy, Special Workshop on "Mathematik an Fachhochschulen", (Proceedings pp. 68-70)}